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Here at Shade Wise, we are qualified (CB-L 27131)and certified to carry out shade sail audits for schools, councils, kindergartens, preschools, child care facilities, aged care facilities etc. It is recommended practice that the sails be checked at minimum every three years.

We conduct shade sail audits all over Victoria and have over 35 years of industry experience.This was a directive from the Victorian education department in 2007 that all sails be checked by a suitably qualified person. With this in mind shade wise suggests that for all commercial facilities a shade sail audit  be conducted at least every three years. This is to ensure the safety and maintenance of the sails to maximize the life of the sails.

The audit consists of a visual “on-site” check of all the sails main components. Footings, poles, connections, sail panels, stitching and structural integrity. Whilst on site we take photos of each structure and any issues that may arise. We also include a site map for reference and the report consists of all the photos, notes and recommendations that arise from the audit.

Common things found in shade sail audits and worn shackles and connection points, poles failing, footings failing and sails in need of repair. This often saves money as the little problems are taken care of before they become big problems.On completion of the site visit a full report is supplied to the facility. The report consists of suggested works if any required. These are categorized into Urgent, necessary (once the sun smart period is over for schools) and cosmetic.

Shade sails get dirty over time, this can make them look unsightly. Shade Wise also offers a removal, cleaning and replacing service that brings the sails back looking brand new. The best time of year for this time of maintenance is through the winter months.It is a requirement by the Victorian building authority that any shade sails installed require engineering, building permits and on some occasions a planning permit.

If you would like to arrange a quote for an audit on your facilities shade structures please call us on 0416 040 309 or use the form on the webpage to send us an e-mail.

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Industries We Work With

Servicing all of Melbourne, Shade Wise designs, installs, cleans and maintains shade sails for a wide variety of commercial and residential outlets.

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Shadewise is one of the leading shade sail installer in Melbourne.
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